सोमवार, 26 सितंबर 2016

Gita Bhaav Prasad

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^^xhrk Hkko izlkn** Jhen~Hkxon~xhrk ds laLd`r “yksdksa ds varfuZfgr Hkkoksa dks le>dj fu;fer nSfud ikB djuk pkgus okyksa ds fy;s lek/kku gS] tks lgt] ljy] lqcks/k fgUnh i| esa HkkokFkZ] fufgrkFkZ ,oa “kCnkFkZ lfgr vuqokfnr gS] xs; gS vkSj laLd`r ewy lfgr jfpr gSA

^^xhrk Hkko izlkn** ds xs; i|kuqokn esa Js; ekxZ laca/kh ftKklkvksa ds lgt le> esa vkus ;ksX; lek/kku gSa vkSj ekuo ek= ds vkRedY;k.k gsrq Lok/;k; dk fueZy vkuUn gSA osn] mifu’kn ,oa v/;kRe dk lkjHkwr Jhen~Hkxon~xhrk ,d oSf”od xzaFk gS tks Hkkjr dk lkaLd`frd] /kkfeZd ,oa vk/;kfRed xkSjo gSA
“GITA BHAAV PRASAD” is a complete solution for all GITA lovers who wish a regular -daily reading of the pious book with a perfect understanding of its inherent meaning and thoughts.

GITA BHAAV PRASAD is Shrimadbhagvadgita’s translation in HINDI verse [poem] along with original Sanskrit text and full of melody in singing.

GITA is the essence of Vedas and Upnishads; a world renowned song of Humanity by Lord Krishna; a spiritual foundation to all world religions; climax of all cultural, religious and spiritual philosophies; dignity and pride of India and a most suitable book for obtaining peace, self-purification, spiritual upliftment and salvation.

About the Author

Dr. Vimal Chandra Jain is a religious and spiritual enthusiast and has undertaken extensive research on Jainism and Vedic darshan. He belongs to Bakani village in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan, India, where he spent his childhood studying in a gurukul. To fulfil his karma, he taught Geography in a Government college and retired as the college principal. He can be reached at vcjain.bundi@gmail.com.

Currently book is available only in print form and can be purchased at:

Please contact author for bulk purchases

uewus ,oa mnkgj.k ds fy;s ^^xhrk** xzaFk dh efgek ds dqN i| izLrqr gSa&

Js;  ekxZ  dk   Kku  lukru]  d`".k izHkq dh ;g ok.khA

lc  'kkL=ksa  dk  lkjHkwr  ;g]   Hkxon~xhrk   dY;k.khAA

lka[;] deZ vkSj HkfDr ;ksxe;]  txn~xq#  dh  ;g ok.khA

'kk'or Kku dh  T;ksfr txkrh]   Hkxon~xhrk   dY;k.khAA

xhrksifu"kn~ ^t;* egkdkO; dk]  xksfoan eq[k ls mPpkfjrA

O;klxq#  dh  fnO;  psruk   vkSj  izKk  ls  vuqizkf.krAA

cqf)  iznkrk  Jh  x.ks'k  us]   ys[ku  ls  fu"iUu fd;kA

cqf)xE;  dj  Lo;a  mUgksaus]  JqfrQy  xhrk  /keZ fn;kAA

mRd`"V  Kku gh dh ifj.kfr]   xhrksifu"kn~  dgykrh gSA

losZ'oj   izfriknd   ok.kh]    fo|kczã    dgkrh   gSAA

xhrk   fnO;  ijk  fo|k  gS]   lkjHkwr   lc  /keksZa  dhA

foKkue;h    Jh  xhrkth]   fo|k   lkjs    deksZa   dhAA

loZdky  esa   ekuork  dk]  /keZxzaFk   fufoZokn  gS  ;gA

ujukjk;.k  d`".kktqZu  dk]   ije  fnO;  laokn  gS ;gAA

egkHkkjr dh  eqdqVef.k gS]  fo'olaLd`fr dh fuf/k gS ;gA

ije  czã   iq#"kksÙke  fo|k] czãKku   iznhfIr gS  ;g AA

ekuo  thou  m)kj  gsrq]   f=fo/k  izLFkku  dgs  tkrsA

loksZPp   ekunaM  KkuizkfIr  ds]     jktekxZ dgs tkrsAA

nk'kZfud izLFkku esa czãlw=] mifu"kn oSfnd izLFkku esa gSaA

LekrZ izLFkku esa Hkxon~xhrk] izLFkku f=fo/k  v/;kRe esa gSaAA

izLFkku=;h  esa   loZfoy{k.k]   xhrk  dks  ekuk  tkrkA

czãlw= mifu"kn~ nksuksa  dk]  vfHkizk; gS blesa vk tkrkAA

mifu"kn  Kku  gS ea=  :i esa]  vkSj  lw=ksa  esa czãlw=A

Hkxon~xhrk  HkxoUok.kh ]   'yksd  :i  tks  ea=] lw=AA

'yksd lkr lkS  fnO; xzaFk esa]  fQj Hkh dysoj cM+k ughaA

lexz ;FkkFkZ  laf{kIr  fu:fir]   djrk  nwtk xzaFk ughaAA

bu   'yksdksa esa  xw<+ :i esa]  vn~Hkqr  Kku  izokfgr gSA

,d  'yksd esa  dbZ  lw= gSa]   xgjk  vFkZ  lekfgr gSAA

mifu"kn~  Kku ds  vf/kdkjh rks  dsoy fo}n~tu  gksrsA

czãlw=  ds  Kkrk  Kkuh]  _f"k   fo}ku   lar  gksrsAA

fdarq   fnO;Kku  xhrk dk]  ekuo  ek= dk fgrdkjhA

lHkh o.kZ] tkfr]  vkJe  vkSj  leqnk;ksa dk   midkjhAA

tkfr   laiznk; /keZ fdlh  dh]  blesa  fuank dgh ughaA

vkjk/;] nso ;k b"V fdlh  dh  blesa Lrqfr  dgh ughaAA

fnO;] vykSfdd] fofp=  xzaFk ;g]  blesa lk/ku lkjs gSaA

tks lk/kd  ftl iFk dks pkgs]  Lo;a  izdkf”kr lkjs gSaAA

fHkUu&fHkUu  /keZ] n'kZu ds]   fHkUu&fHkUu  vf/kdkjh  gSaA

xhrk  ,d  foy{k.k n'kZu]   ftlds  lc  vf/kdkjh gSaAA

vYi Hkh ikBu fnO;  xzaFk dk] m)kj mik; fn[kk nsrkA

lc ds lc vf/kdkjh blds]  dY;k.k  ekxZ fl[kk nsrkAA
Currently book is available only in print form and can be purchased at: https://pothi.com/pothi/node/189600
Please contact author for bulk purchases