Extracts from the Book

This page presents extracts from the book, to be updated on regular basis.
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;nk ;nk fg /keZL; XykfuHkZofr HkkjrA

vH;qRFkkue/keZL; rnkRekua l`tkE;ge~AA4-7AA 

Tkc&tc  /keZ gzkl  gs Hkkjr] vkSj gkfu gksus yxrhA

ikikpj.k  c<+rk gh tkrk]  v/keZ o`f)  gksus yxrhAA

rc rc eSa lkdkj] lxq.k vkSj euqt :i /kkj.k djrkA

v/keZ uk'k  dj  /keZ cpkus] eSa vorkj xzg.k djrkAA

ifj=k.kk; lk/kwuka fouk”kk; p nq’d`rke~A
/keZlaLFkkiukFkkZ; lEHkokfe ;qxs ;qxsAA4-8AA

ijekFkZ fujr lc lk/kqtuksa dh] j{kk  djus  eSa  vkrkA

ikikpkjh   nq"V  LoHkkoh]  dk  fouk'k  djus  vkrkAA

lE;d laLFkkiu /keZ dk djus] ;qx&;qx esa laHko gksrkA

lkoZHkkSe  fgr  djus dks eSa]  euqt  :i  esa  vorjrkAA

Currently book is available only in print form and can be purchased at:
Please contact author for bulk purchases

Please contact author for bulk purchases

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